InternetRetailing Research brings you regular updates that name the IRUK Top100 websites that are managing peak traffic most effectively over the Black Friday weekend.
This weekend InternetRetailing Research, in collaboration with our knowledge partner NCC Group [ Brands in the IRUK Top100.[/caption]
Our interpretation of this data suggests a big uptick in (very) early morning browsing, followed by a tell-tale peak around lunch time. It’s noteworthy given that the reverse of the graph, showing non-brands, lacks both peaks.
Non-brands in the IRUK Top100.
About these updates
Three weeks ago, on a more normal weekend for ecommerce, we conducted hourly tracking of the Top100 websites to record a benchmark.
We infer whether the IRUK Top100 are seeing a significant increase in customer traffic by measuring changes in their responsiveness. We are tracking 100 websites and comparing their fluctuations to a ‘normal’ benchmark, so we believe it’s a reliable inference.
You can find more information on Speed Index, the specific metric we use to calculate these performance figures.
Follow the regular updates on the Black Friday 2016 homepage.