As the effects of the economy continue to put further pressures on UK households and wages either stagnate or are falling, many people are looking for new ways to supplement their income. And one way to do that is to allow adverts to appear in your personal text messages. Oh the joys of affiliate programmes.
Findings from a recent survey conducted by Econsultancy revealed that the UK affiliate market is following fast in the steps of that in the US, and in 2008 was already worth a staggering £3.82bn. Up until now people have chosen from pretty much the same range of affiliate programmes as everyone else. However, a novel and ‘first ever’ opportunity has just emerged onto the affiliates scene and looks set to outperform many previous revenue channels.
Launched just a month ago and aimed at mobile users, UK based Gtext Media ( unveils the world’s first In-SMS advertising solution and one of the best affiliate choices for a long time. By simply agreeing to show ads in text messages to family and friends, mobile users become affiliates and earn money every time an ad is clicked on.
Using app technology the Gtext Media solution is currently available on the iPhone and Android, with Nokia and Blackberry soon to be on-board. This new and free app system allows advertisers to attach their advert directly embedded as a link into the text conversation (in-SMS advertising). This breakthrough technology offers dual benefits by giving the advertiser the platform to reach millions of text users on the move and rewarding those sending texts as an affiliate for the traffic they drive to the advertisers site.
The company has made it simple for affiliates to get started. All they need do is download the Gtext Media Apps on to their phone, and then register and create a profile stating up to 5 interests or hobbies. By sending a text message affiliates will see on the split screen the Ad-Link that will appear on their message. Every time a recipient clicks on an Ad-Link the affiliate will earn revenue at a rate of 5p per click, redeemable once the total reaches £20.
With mobile advertising for 2011 predicted to be worth over £6.8bn globally this new SMS advertising revolution from Gtext Media looks set to see things in both the advertising and affiliates market’s hot up even further.