Download the Mondi Group eCommerce trend report which explores the results of the annual Mondi Group eCommmerce consumer sentiment survey which examines how consumers in six key markets are shopping online, their priorities for eCommerce packaging and in this year’s report also dives deep into their opinions around sustainability.
In this 2025 report, we have survey more than 6,000 consumers in six markets (Czechia, France, Germany, Poland, Sweden and Türkiye) to understand how consumer sentiment and behaviour is changing, as well as expanding the breadth of the survey with additional questions to bring fresh insight.
The report is split into five sections:
- Consumer Shopping Behaviour
- Consumer Views of Packaging’s Role
- Consumer Sustainability Focus
- Retailers’ Sustainability Efforts
- Future of Packaging Innovation
Highlights of the report:

From the results of the Mondi Group eCommmerce consumer sentiment survey, we see four key themes emerge. The most urgent of these is how consumers feel about sustainability:
- Sustainability demands are non-negotiable: 80% of consumers demand sustainable or recyclable packaging, and 40% will avoid retailers who generate excessive waste.
- Packaging is the new brand statement: Nearly 90% of consumers have a more positive view of brands using recyclable and appropriately sized packaging.
- Unboxing: A generational tug-of-war: The unboxing experience drives repeat purchases for 59% of consumers, with Gen Z placing a higher importance on aesthetics than Boomers
- Walking the fine line between trust and greenwashing: While 80% of consumers want companies to be vocal about sustainability, only 50% trust their claims