You know better than anyone that your consumers are getting smarter by the day; they’re expecting more with each transaction and are cottoning onto marketing tactics. Using the right AI will help you increase customer engagement and make your more money.
Join Parry Malm, Chief Executive Officer at Phrasee, and Saul Lopes, Customer Lifecycle Lead at Virgin Holidays for a indepth look at how using AI in your marketing channels can make you more money.
They will be covering:
• What exactly is AI… and how can you tell Actual AI from buzzword BS?
• Why email is a critical platform for retailers
• How to identify a problem, and built a case for AI as a solution
Featuring a case study on how innovative AI took Virgin Holidays email marketing to new heights
Saul Lopes
Customer Lifecycle Lead
Virgin Holidays
Saul has a strong background in travel, having worked for NetJets, Claridge’s Hotel and currently Virgin Holidays.
With over 8 years’ experience in Product Development, Analytics, Customer Relationship Management and Loyalty, he leads Virgin Holidays’ efforts to become a truly data-driven innovator in the CRM & Loyalty Space.
Parry Malm