Wickes has reported record levels of throughput in both its store and distribution environments in its interim results this week.
Amongst the innovations introduced to deal with this in the half year to 26 June 2021, is new in-store digital handheld terminal picking capability, as well as ‘park and collect’ functionality allowing customers to remain in their vehicles when collecting goods from store.
Wicks has also continued to invest to develop in-store fulfilment space to maximise multi-channel capacity.
Click and collect levels have fallen as customers have returned to self-serve shopping but it said that home delivery has maintained high levels of participation following strong growth in 2020, indicating an underlying change in customer behaviour. It says it will build out broader partnerships with carriers to service the increase in demand.
Wickes said its also been working hard to integrate environmental and social considerations into its supply chain with its first supply chain scope 3 carbon emissions assessment now completed. All its imported timber supply chains have also been mapped to ensure products continue to come from legal, verified sources.
In a further move, Wickes will launch a packaging portal this year which will consolidate its packaging data into a single database to allow for improved visibility and management.