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EDITORIAL Amazon, DFS, Dunelm, Hobbycraft: how leading retailers are handling industry challenges

In today’s InternetRetailing newsletter, we’re reporting on how IRUK Top500 retailers are facing up to some challenges affecting the whole of the industry. We look at the action that Amazon is taking in the US to head off future staff shortages, and at how an omnichannel business model is helping both DFS and Dunelm to grow sales across channels – despite the challenge presented as UK consumers go through an extended period of uncertainty. Hobbycraft, meanwhile, is tackling the challenge of falling footfall by opening smaller stores in “relevant locations”, holding more in-store events, and giving online shoppers a reason to go into their local store.

Certainly it seems these are strategies that are working. All are seeing sales rising across their businesses – and especially online. That seems to point to a growing confidence among consumers to buy  via online channels – and it’s striking that DFS is doing good business selling sofas via the internet. No doubt this isn’t just a case of shoppers buying a sofa online but of shoppers who research both online at through a store visit then making their final purchase over the internet.

Today’s guest comment comes from Ashish Sidhra of Artefact, who considers why – and how – more retailers should make the move into voice commerce. We also cover research that looks at how often shoppers use mobile to buy – and what is holding them back from making more purchases through their phone.

Image: Fotolia

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