In a recent Internet Retailing webinar, George Mead, brand marketing manager at Beko , and Peter Simpson, CMO and SVP of Alliances at Reevoo , discussed how UK appliance manufacturer Beko tapped into its customers’ opinions to boost sales and build its reputation. Below, we summarise the subject areas covered.
Beko case study, presented by George Mead, brand marketing manager at Beko
• Beko’s challenge: to change the perception of the brand
• Research showed 3rd party endorsement would drive perception of the brand.
• Analysis of the customer journey produced a road map to take potential buyers from a prospect to a customer and advocate, by way of national TV and print advertising, digital advertising, the Beko website and information on where to buy, to social media after the purchase.
• Beko TV advert, and how it leverages the voice of the customer and its 9/10 review scores.
• “People don’t expect Beko to be a 9/10 reviews brand and they don’t expect we’re the best selling home appliance brand, but using a strategy that lets users talk for us we knew from the research that that was what was going to shift the needle in perception of our brand and also drive purchase intention and, fundmentally, sales.”
• Print campaign focusing on dishwashers, washing machines and American style fridge freezers, in titles from women’s lifestyle to national newspaper supplements: “By opening ourselves up, saying search online to see what people are saying is a bold move but the right move. We know our products and reviews do talk for us.”
• Digital strategy: Yahoo page takeover. “We had to find a lot more creative ways to get consumers to engage.” Website/retailer website advertising and social media competitions to win a machine.
• Point of sale advertising in more than 200 stores takes review scores into the store.
• Results include website visitors up by 63%, duration on site up by 60%, and Facebook fans up by 22%. Page views of American-style fridge freezers were up by eight times, retailer revenue up by 82%.
• Those who have read reviews are twice as likely to buy.
• A weekly YouGov perception tracker shows Beko scored its highest-ever quality perception score following the campaign.
POLL Do you agree that Beko’s use of consumer reviews in advertising is a good way to enhance its brand perception. Grade from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (disagree). Results: 1: 53%; 2: 20%; 3 0%, 4 7%, 5 20%.
Peter Simpson, CMO and SVP for alliances at Reevoo
• Response to Beko campaign. “A leader in the field amongst brands in terms of their ability to really harness customer advocacy, and using it in a transparent way in their advertising across other channels.”
• Trend now towards brands holding conversations with customers.
• Example Kia Motors: We don’t pay our customers to write good reviews. Boosted organic visits by 86% and visits as a result of people searching for reviews increased by 300%. In dealership iPad used to show prospective buyers reviews.
• Examples of reviews being used in offline advertising, from stores to trade brochures.
• Background about Reevoo and its approach to ratings and reviews.
• How reviews are collected, moderated, managed, displayed and used across channels.
• Question and answer session.
To hear the webinar for yourself, to view the accompanying slides and hear the question and answer session, visit the Reevoo webinar page.
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