Aldi has extended its trial with Deliveroo to roughly 90 more UK stores, bringing the total to around 130 across the country.
The new stores include stores in Scottish city Aberdeen and Wales’s Cardiff as well as new cities in England such as Bristol and Liverpool.
Customers within 6km of the stores are able to order around 400 essential Aldi grocery products via the Deliveroo app. With Deliveroo, the customer pays a fee which varies based on distance and the size of the order and can receive the order in as little as 20 minutes.
The service was initially launched in June from 20 stores across London, Greater Manchester, Cambridge and the Midlands and in October expanded to a further 22.
Richard Thornton, communications director at Aldi UK, said: “We’re finding customers really value having more ways to shop at Aldi, particularly at the moment.
“That’s why we’ve been keen to extend our trial with Deliveroo to stores in more new areas, and plan to launch our trial of click and collect in more than 200 additional stores between now and Christmas.
“In the past month, we have made the Deliveroo service available in new areas such as Cardiff and Aberdeen and will continue to monitor feedback of the service closely.”
Ajay Lakhwani, VP of new business, Deliveroo said: “We are delighted that Aldi’s trial with Deliveroo will expand to 130 stores. Deliveroo’s on-demand grocery partnerships have proven vital for so many people during this difficult period, allowing families to get the food and household items they need and want quickly.
“The fast expansion and success of this trial reflects the strong customer desire for groceries on-demand, an area in which Deliveroo is providing increasing choice. We are excited that even more customers across the country can now enjoy Aldi’s great quality food.”
Aldi doesn’t have its own last mile distribution fleet, as its business model offers discounts by prioritising efficiency and limiting product range. A last mile delivery service, which can take over a quarter of total distribution costs, would eat into the discounter’s carefully controlled margins.
Aldi has also been running a trial of click and collect, which it plans to expand to an additional 200 stores before Christmas. Click and collect allows store staff to fulfil the orders but then places the onus on customers to make the journey.