Click A Taxi, the first taxi mobile app that works in small towns as well as major cities, expands its European reach with a UK & Ireland launch. Click A Taxi has partnered with local taxi companies in both countries to offer people an easy way to book a taxi anywhere they go.
It’s the first app that makes mobile taxi booking available to everyone, not just people living in the largest cities. The app is available today for iPhone and Android.
“All over the world, taxi apps concentrate only on the largest cities, but what if you need to travel to a meeting in a different city or are among the majority of people who don’t live in a capital?,” Nikolaj Køster, co-founder of Click A Taxi asks. “Click A Taxi aims to be the only taxi app you’ll need, whether you’re in Edinburgh, Cork, Leamington Spa or London,” he added. “Wherever you go, you can expect to get a quality taxi service at a good price. We’ve done the hard work of selecting trusted partners that have been vetted for quality, safety and pricing.”
As of today, Click A Taxi is available in the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. By the end of the summer, Click A Taxi will cover most of Western Europe and, in the not too distant future, many other parts of the world.
When a customer books a taxi via Click A Taxi, satellite navigation (GPS) locates the address and offers a simple ‘Book Now’ option. The app automatically selects the nearest taxi partner and provides regular updates on the arrival time. Click A Taxi is a free app and doesn’t charge any fee for booked journeys. The customer pays only the regular taxi fare.
Click A Taxi is pioneering the next generation of a taxi booking that doesn’t focus solely on larger cities. Click A Taxi is the only app needed to book a cab – whether in a small town, or travelling abroad. When someone books a taxi, satellite navigation (GPS) locates their address and offers a simple ‘Book Now’ option. The app automatically selects the nearest taxi firm and gives regular updates on arrival time. The app is currently available from the App Store and Android Market in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. By the end of summer 2012, it will be available in most of Western Europe.