Free delivery or fast? Do you know which your customers really prefer? It seems many retailers don’t with a new report this week suggesting the balance is different to what retailers think. It showed that the majority of customers (86%) prefer free to fast and yet retailers believe the majority swing is the other way. The same report also suggests that retailers are underutilising the power of free delivery as a promotional tool to get customers to spend more.
The research also highlighted the demand for super speedy delivery services. This week we’ve also seen Tesco reveal it’s the first retailer to offer nationwide same day grocery delivery in the UK in a new first for the retailer.
Also in the grocery sector Walmart has revealed the launch of its Easy Reorder feature, which combines store and online purchases so that shoppers can easily reorder what they buy regularly – whatever channel they have bought it through.
The other big challenge for retailers – and customers alike – comes with returns. The launch by ReBOUND of its returns service for the UK then could help to improve options for the returns process, giving greater visibility for both parties.
In warehouse news meanwhile Bristol-based retailer Freestyle Xtreme has invested in a new warehouse management system from Snapfulfil to help improve efficiency in its business. And also in Bristol is the opening of a new distribution centre for Cardiff-based express two-man delivery firm Unit Movements. The facility will be used to help service an IKEA home delivery contract the company has for the south west.
And finally we have the latest on IRC and EDC. The early bird discount offer finished at midnight yesterday. Hopefully you got your tickets in time but if not there are still various promotions available on the site. Hope to see you there!
Image credit: Fotolia