A little while ago I posted my argument (from the March 2009 editorial in InternetRetailing Magazine) that we should look beyond “conversion rates” to a better metric – I proposed ‘profit per pixel second’.
The post generated some really good comments, and a little while later I was invited by Google to contribute to their Survival of the Fastest channel on YouTube. I took as my theme the initial ideas from ‘profit per pixel second’ and added a multichannel angle – how to draw in and measure the input of staff in the offline, store and contact centre areas. This lead to a broader forumaltion – ‘profit per engagement second’.
You can see my contribution below. Don’t leave me video-ing alone – why not post a video response in addition to thoughts and comments in the ‘traditional’ fashion below.
What are your thoughts on PPES as a metric? Are there better rolled up metrics for your business? How might one measure this?
If you leave a video response please let us know (editor@internetretailing.net) and we’ll embed the video in this post.