Following hot on the heals of Starbuck’s roll out of a transactional app that allows users to pay for coffee and cakes with their phone, eWise payo mobile has been launched in Europe offering to enable consumers to initiate secure and private payments for goods, services, or bills online or face-to-face, without having to provide personal financial information to any third parties.
In January, the company introduced eWise payo, the safest and fastest online payment solution, in partnership with the specialist payments partner, VocaLink. eWise’s new mobile app brings a consistent, intuitive, fast and safe way to pay whether online or face-to-face. It enables consumers to pay from any of their accounts with existing funds and provides visibility of account balances at the time of purchase.
Through the mobile solution, consumers can conduct mobile ecommerce transactions, P2P payments, bill payments and T-Commerce. Using the eWise payo OBeP technology and the hard-linking capabilities of the QR Code, a consumer’s online bank account can be enabled for countless purchasing scenarios.
John France, managing director at eWise payo, says: “Current statistics indicate that 29 percent of UK adults own a smartphone (3), and, 54 percent of smartphone users have used their device for a banking transaction (4). Given the anticipated growth of these figures, we saw the need to launch a mobile application that would provide a consistent interface for the consumer.
“When we launched eWise payo in January, we indicated that the solution would provide the answer to the industry’s demand for improved security. Our mobile version creates an exciting customer experience, and will – I believe – be the biggest positive technological advancement to hit the UK retail banking arena since the introduction of the first ATM in 1967.”
eWise is currently in advanced discussions with a number of the high street banks, merchant acquirers, PSPs and merchants. As a result of which, the company has brought forward its initial launch – planned for 2012, and hopes to make an announcement in Q2/Q3 2011.