In today’s InternetRetailing newsletter we’re looking at how leading IRUK Top500 retailers from John Lewis and Screwfix to Topps Tiles and Halfords are developing multichannel strategies that meet the needs of the modern consumer.
We report on how Topps Tiles is finding sales and profits growth through an approach of multichannel convenience – and inspiration, while omnichannel systems are credited for fast sales growth at Screwfix. Meanwhile, John Lewis has teamed up with a leading YouTuber to communicate its menswear trends, and Halfords is acquiring as it expands its online cycling business.
We also have news from up and coming retail business Rock Pamper Scissors, which is pioneering a new way of booking hairdressing appointments and which offers useful insights for all those using mobile in retail. Today’s guest comment comes from Cristina Constandache of Cheetah Ad Platform who considers another use of mobile in retail: geolocation.
Our research
The latest InternetRetailing research, the IRUK Top500 2016 and the first 2016 dimension report, on Brand Engagement, is now available to download. Visit the IRUK Top500 section of the website to find out more.
Our webinars
Click to visit the Internet Retailing webinars page to catch up on the latest webinars, which are also available to view again on the IRTV channel.
Event presentations and interviews
Catch up with presentations and other interviews from IRC 2015 on the event website now.