According to German magazine, the leading German sports article manufacturer is set to create a new online platform for its brand Reebok. Until 2015 the CEO of Adidas, Herbert hainer, wants to turn Adidas’ US branch Reebok into “the world’s most important empire for training and fitness”. This comprehensive online platform would comprise several studios as well as shops for fitness food and beverages, plus a new Reebok Club.
According to Hainer in the interview, Adidas wants to act much more aggressively on its online plans: “Der Online-Handel wird drittes Standbein im Vertrieb neben Warenhäusern und eigenen Läden. Wir haben vor wenigen Wochen ein E-Commerce-Projekt aufgesetzt, bauen eine Mannschaft auf und haben ehrgeizige Pläne.“ (In terms of sales, our e-commerce will become the third pillar besides our warehouse business and our own shops.)