Less than a third of UK shoppers using mobile payments apps when shopping online, report finds

Image © Matthew Kwong via Unsplash

Bank cards are used by most ecommerce shoppers around the world with the adoption of mobile apps seeing some global differences in take-up, according to the recently published RetailX Global Elite Top1000 report.

Shoppers tend to want to pay using a method that they are already familiar with. ConsumerX research suggests this particularly matters in markets such as South Africa, where 84% say this is very important, and Brazil (78%), where shoppers may need to use a particular payment method in order to shop online at all.

In all of the markets assessed here, the majority rate their preferred option as either very or somewhat important.

While most respondents in most countries have paid online using debit or credit cards during the past year – in a range from 76% in the UAE and South Korea to 89% in the US and 91% in the UK – the use of mobile phone apps to pay is more varied. Less than a third use them to pay in the UK or Australia (29%), although their use is more significant in markets including South Africa (48%), South Korea (49%) and Brazil (52%).

Respondents from Brazil (56%) and UAE (55%) were the most likely to buy a product if they are offered a discount, contrasting with 30% in both the UK and Australia.

Flexible payment terms were most expected by those from UAE (53%) and South Africa (43%) and least from South Korea (21%) and the UK (28%).

This payment feature first appeared in the RetailX Global Elite Top1000 report.

The full report aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the global ecommerce and multichannel market, offering a 360-degree view of consumer behaviour, company performance, and regional economies. Released at a time of global volatility, this report highlights how geopolitical shifts, such as the reelection of Donald Trump as U.S. president, shape the global economy and create both challenges and opportunities for retailers.

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