The IMRG-Experian Hitwise Mobile Hot Shops List has revealed the UK’s top 10 mobile retailers by site traffic for the first time, with Amazon UK being as dominant in the mobile traffic space as they are over desktop visits. Between them, the Amazon UK (1st) and (3rd) sites accounted for over 10% of mobile visits to retail sites in April 2013, with Argos (2nd) receiving 2.3% of visits.
Overall, there are very few differences between those retailers appearing in the mobile and desktop site visits lists. The notable exception is the absence of Apple (2nd in the desktop rankings) from the mobile list, which suggests that users have a stronger tendency to browse and download music into iTunes on their PC before transferring onto a mobile device. The report finds that Orange, (+45 places), Carphone Warehouse, (+25) and Netflix, (+22) are the fastest growers in the past year, while the collapse of Blockbuster appears to have had an effect – LoveFilm, Cineworld Cinemas and Netflix all rose in the rankings compared with May last year. A number of fashion retailers rose in the rankings: Zara (+13 places) Boohoo and Boden (+11), ASOS and Very (+3) and Next (+1).
Top 10 UK Mobile Sites: 1 Amazon UK, 2 Argos, 3, 4 Next, 5 Tesco , 6 Debenhams , 7 Marks & Spencer , 8 ASOS, 9 John Lewis , 10 New Look