First impressions (2/5)
Based on the time I spend getting to grips with their mobile site, I’d say Morrisons has a mountain to climb. It’s no surprise to see the second search return, a news piece titled ”Struggling Morrisons linked to private equity buyout”.
Morrisons’ low price positioning stands out, throughout the site: “These aren’t offers, they’re our new everyday prices”. Bold “DEALS” shout out from most product lines.
Search & Navigation (1/5)
The homepage of the Morrisons site is mobile optimised. The pages beneath are not. This makes the rest of my browsing experience, and the rest of this site review, rather brief.
Categories & Product on offer (1/5)
Morrisons misses an opportunity to apply some of the information architecture of its app to its mobile site. I’m puzzled by a home page menu including ‘Market Street’, ‘Shop Groceries’, ‘Fresh Salmon’ and ‘Broccoli’. Other product lines are not easy to find.
Payment process & check out (0/5)
I struggled to set up an account. In any case, my experience of the site so far means I’ll be doing my mobile grocery shopping with another grocery provider.
Post purchase (1/5)
When Morrisons gets round to delivering in my area I may be able to comment this one. Until that happens it would be wise to remove the picture of the Morrisons vans on the site for browsers outside West Yorkshire and Warwickshire (i.e. the only areas served by Morrisons home delivery).
Overall (5/25)
Morrisons subsidiary Kiddicare and still is a pioneer in mobile retail. Time for Morrisions to apply this formula to the master brand.