Grocery delivery company Ocado’s iPhone app has generated nearly 5% of its total orders – accounting for £15million of revenue – since February this year, the company has revealed.
Speaking to New Media Age, Jason Gissing, co-founder of Ocado, the app has been downloaded 107,000 times since its launch last July and that 4.4% of of all Ocado orders were generated or updated using the app in February this year.
The news comes as Ocado launches its first voice-activated mobile app on Android, enabling users to update their orders both online and offline.
The company is also planning a stock exchange listing very soon, that could value the company at as much as £1billion. Volatile markets have scuppered a string of high-profile flotations in recent weeks, including that of fashion chain New Look, and fuelled speculation that Ocado, which has not booked a true profit despite eight years in business, is also headed for disaster.
But the company’s finance director, Andrew Bracey, tells The Observer nothing in its plans has changed: “A listing will enable us to raise the capital we need to grow more quickly.”