The growth of ecommerce and multichannel shopping provides retailers with so many opportunities, however such a shift and growth doesn’t come without challenges – one very well documented and discussed challenge from ecommerce is returns.

Download the DeliveryX Returns Report to discover how Covid played its part with shoppers not physically able to visit stores and try items on in fitting rooms, their homes became the safe space for this. Free delivery, free returns and often month-long return policies gave consumers the freedom to order multiple pieces, in a range of colours and sizes. Being able to send any unwanted pieces back at no cost to themselves, shoppers took full advantage of this change. It is one that remained after shops reopened.

2022 saw retailers responding to returns like never before, in some cases charging for the reverse logistics of ecommerce returns. Even those who have brought in this change, many still allow shoppers to return in-store for free, this enables the opportunity for in-person customer services, experience and the potential for add-on sales.

This in-depth report explores how technology could be key, not only in reducing returns through better fit platforms, but also in understanding the reason consumers are sending items back in the first place. A better consideration of the returns process could be critical in a year impacted by record-high inflation and faltering consumer confidence.

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Inside we investigate how a sector once heavily reliant on bricks-and-mortar stores has transformed into a multichannel market.