We’re tracking the financial results of leading UK retailers over the Black Holiday 2015 period. We’ve defined our leading retailers as members of the IRUK Top500. We’ll be taking our information on retail sales, growth and online progress from the week from publicly available sources, as they become available. Let us know if we’ve missed any, if you’d like your figures to appear here – or if we’ve got it wrong by emailing press@internetretailing.net.
IRUK Top500
Format: Retailer/company reporting results/total sales/period covered/sales growth on last year/ecommerce sales/ecommerce sales growth/ecommerce as % of total sales/other highlights/source
John Lewis £187.7m week to November 28 +4.8% +15.5% John Lewis Partnership
Waitrose £134.76m week to November 28 +2.1% +18% (online grocery) John Lewis Partnership
Net-A-Porter /Mr Porter Yoox Net-A-Porter Group November 26-30 +50% Black Friday +82% Mobile +41% Yoox Net-A-Porter Group