We know who the judges want but who do *you* think represents the best in Internet Retailing? What online retailer has dazzled its customers with their swift, sexy, savvy, supportive approach to selling online. We’ve produced the long list but you have the final say – tell us who do you want to win the Internet Retailing Award 2014 sponsored by Venda ?
Read down the long list and select your favourite from the dropdown at the bottom.
Argos [show-irdx rarg]
Nominated for the Innovation Award, the Omni Award, the IRIS Award and the Capability Award
House of Fraser [show-irdx rhof]
Nominated for the Innovation Award, the Omni Award, the Mobile Award and the IRIS Award
Marks and Spencer [show-irdx rmas]
Nominated for the Innovation Award
Tesco [show-irdx rtsc]
Nominated for the Innovation Award
Evans Cycles [show-irdx rcyc]
Nominated for the Omni Award
John Lewis [show-irdx rjlw]
Nominated for the Omni Award, the Capability Award, the Customer Award
Waitrose [show-irdx rwai]
Nominated for the Omni Award
Free People [show-irdx rfpe]
Nominated for the Mobile Award
Shop Direct Group [show-irdx rsdg]
Nominated for the Mobile Award
Amazon [show-irdx ramz]
Nominated for the Capability Award
ASOS [show-irdx raso]
Nominated for the Customer Award, the International Award
Cult Pens [show-irdx rclt]
Nominated for the Customer Award
Lovehoney [show-irdx rhon]
Nominated for the Customer Award
Ocado [show-irdx roca]
Nominated for the Customer Award
B&Q [show-irdx rdiy]
Nominated for the IRIS Award
Burberry [show-irdx rbur]
Nominated for the IRIS Award
Thomson (TUI) [show-irdx rtho]
Nominated for the IRIS Award
Mothercare [show-irdx rmoc]
Nominated for the International Award
Puma [show-irdx rpum]
Nominated for the International Award
RS Components [show-irdx rrsc]
Nominated for the International Award
Wiggle [show-irdx rwig]
Nominated for the International Award
Boden [show-irdx rbod]
Nominated for the Brand Award
Graze [show-irdx rgrz]
Nominated for the Brand Award
Lego [show-irdx rleg]
Nominated for the Brand Award
Made.com [show-irdx rmac]
Nominated for the Brand Award
Hungryhouse [show-irdx rhho]
Nominated for the Brand Award
Notonthehighstreet [show-irdx rnot]
Nominated for the Brand Award
Dressipi [show-irdx rdre]
Nominated for the Service Award
eBay [show-irdx reby]
Nominated for the Service Award
Etsy [show-irdx rets]
Nominated for the Service Award
AO.com [show-irdx raoc]
Nominated for the Market Entry Award
Lululemon [show-irdx rlul]
Nominated for the Market Entry Award
MissGuided [show-irdx rmgu]
Nominated for the Market Entry Award
Select your choice from the dropdown menu below. We ask for your name and email to verify you are one of our loyal readers and are entitled to vote and also to enter you in a draw to win a free ticket to the big night at One Mayfair on 26 June. Not too bad, is it?