Ahead of the Internet Retailing Awards, we’ve grabbed five minutes with the sponsors of our awards to ask them both about their latest thinking on UK online and multichannel retailing in general and about the Internet Retailing Awards 2013 in particular.
Today we’re talking to Kevin Skurski, director of marketing communications, Bronto Software, which is sponsoring the lift to the awards ceremony, which will be held 663ft up at SushiSamba in London’s Heron Tower on June 26.
Internet Retailing: What does the shortlist for the Internet Retailing Awards 2013 say to you about the development of online and multichannel retailing in the UK today?
Kevin Skurski, director of marketing communications, Bronto Software: With the variety of brands and business categories on the shortlist, it says that online retailing is important to every type of company. Whether it’s a branded manufacturer, up-and-comer, or established pure-play, investing in online retail is a critical strategy.
IR: Why was it important to Bronto to support these awards – and what do you think it is that makes a standout ecommerce or multichannel retailer?
KS: What makes Bronto different is our focus on retailers and others driving revenue through an online shopping basket. So, we want to support the companies who are innovating in this space and help shine the spotlight on the great things they are doing.
IR: What’s your hot tip for the year ahead, whether a new technology, an upcoming retailer or advice on a way of thinking about multichannel retailing?
KS: According to a Google/Ipsos report, 85% of consumers will start shopping on one device and finish on another. Retailers should anticipate and accommodate this multi-device shopping, not only making it easier for shoppers to do and less likely the retailer will get lost in the transition from one device or channel to another.
IR: What are you most looking forward to about the Internet Retailing Awards evening?
KS: Meeting the retailers and hearing about the innovative things they are doing.
IR: What’s your prediction for how industry will have changed by the time of next year’s awards?
KS: More defined strategies within the broad category of ‘mobile’ and many more success stories of retailers implementing cross-channel marketing initiatives.
The Internet Retailing Awards will be held at SushiSamba, 664ft up at London’s Heron Tower on Wednesday June 26. For more information, click here, and to find out about tickets to the event click here.
There’s still time to vote in the Internet Retailing Award 2013, which is voted for by Internet Retailing readers. To cast your vote, click here.