The Internet Retailing Conference 2015 (IRC15) at the Hammersmith Novotel on 14 October is the place to get the skinny on all things retail technology. What is interesting this year is that mobile is an integral part of the conference, being now the cornerstone of engagement, merchandising, omni and multi-channel and even logistics. So what are some of the mobile related highlights to look forward to?
Obviously, Robin Phillips, Multichannel Director, Boots presentation on integrating mobile and instore is one of the biggest mobile pulls. Here Phillips will take a look at what brands need to know about bridging the gap between mobile and instore and how to drive loyalty in an increasingly fickly market. With consumers increasingly demanding fast, slick and user-friendly online and mobile experiences brands to rethink strategies for packaging and showcasing offerings to delight and engage the consumer anytime, anyplace, anywhere.
While Phillips explicitly uses the word mobile in his presso title, there are many other presentations that draw heavily on the use of mobile tech in the etail environment.
Martijn Bertisen, Director- Retail, Google UK will draw heavily on how mobile impacts the business as he wraps things up in his closing keynote on Technology to future proof your business. eCommerce is advancing at an unprecedented pace with new technologies and strategies driving retail growth, innovation and new opportunities for ROI, he says. He is aiming to show where the biggest growth opportunities and how are retail giants and new entrants using technology to win and increase market share in the brave new retail universe. One not to miss.
Similarly, Paul Coby, CIO, John Lewis will also be taking a look at where mobile fits into the overall etail sphere with is wrap up Integrating the old with the new for a better omnichannel customer experience.
In this session, Coby will outline how one of the most loved UK retailers integrated old and new technologies and organizational structures to perpetuate a culture of innovation that puts the customer centre stage
– and you can’t do that without mobile being in the mix.
Another one that we are looking forward to with our mobile hats on is the session with Jack Smith, Group Digital Director, New Look looking at
Capturing the pocket books of customers on the go. 10 years ago mobile was nowhere, now it is everywhere, says Smith, connecting consumers to products and driving e-commerce forward at a seemingly explosive rate. The past few years have seen a radical transformation in how consumers are discovering, connecting and engaging with the world. Among the things he will be looking at are how can retailers use mobile to reach the connected, on the go consumer and how can the latest technologies be harnessed to deliver winning experiences? And what is the impact on the bottom line?
For those of you wanting to take a more practical slant on m-commerce, Usablenet will be running a workshop to at the show looking at Mobile faux pas that hurt your conversion rate.
A great mobile experience is one where friction caused by poor UX has been exterminated from the user journey, especially within the checkout experience, says Carin van Vuuren, Chief Marketing Officer, Usablenet. Now that mobile has become a basic customer expectation, brands need to be diligent in removing UX errors to ensure sales and return visits.
The workshop speakers will provide examples of typical UX obstacles and how to fix them. During this workshop our UX experts will walk delegates through 10 common UX mistakes and touch on the principles of great UX that can be used to deliver high-performing mobile experiences.
As well as these juicy mobile highlights, we are also going to be riveted by IRC15’s keynote speakers, which kick off the day – hearing from Peter Williams, Chair, , Patrick Bousquet-Chavanne, Member of the Board & Executive Director, Marketing & International, Marks and Spencer and Gareth Jones, Deputy CEO and Group Chief Operating Officer, Shop Direct .
There are of course, many more speakers and great talks taking place, so check out the website here and look forward to seeing you on the 14th October!