Auto Trader, the UK’s most popular motoring website, has partnered with Nokia to launch an OVI App around the much anticipated Nokia N8 phone launch – driven as much by the device’s caché as by the fact that 18% of the 500,000 visitors to Auto Trader’s .mobi site currently hit it through Nokia devices.
The new app allows car and bike buyers to search for their perfect vehicle while on the move, with an optimised experience direct from their Nokia handset.
The app is designed to let users find used cars and bikes wherever they are with basic or advanced search, then call the seller or dealer directly from the App. Searches can be saved in a ‘garage’ function on the app (Do you see what they did there? – Ed), as well as letting those of a real motoring bent look at high res images of motors and read car specs.
The OVI app is a spin off from, the publication’s official mobile sit which launched in July 2008 and which currently receives almost half a million unique users a month, with 18% of visits accessing the site from a Nokia handset.