Carrefour and Nestlé have partnered to offer reusable packaging which customers can return on the doorstep or to stores.
Nestlé products including Nesquick and Chocapic will be available in reusable containers made by reusable packaging supplier Loop, a subsidiary of Terracycle.
Customers pay a deposit which is included in the price and refunded when the package is returned, which can be done via collection by Carrefour or through 10 of the supermarket’s stores in Paris.
Mathieu Tuau, packaging and sustainability director, said: “The involvement of these 3 new brands in the Loop approach continues to prove our desire to initiate new projects to reduce our impact on the environment.
“It is in this logic that we created the Institute of Packaging Sciences, a dedicated team whose mission is to develop and test the packaging of tomorrow, more respectful of the environment.”