Consumers dissatisfied with retailers’ sustainable delivery efforts, study says

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Only 38% of consumers felt retailers were doing a good job of using sustainable delivery practices, according to a new survey by logistics software provider Descartes Systems Group.

The firm’s latest report Retailers: Sustainability is Not a Challenge, It’s an Opportunity also found that over 50% of shoppers are interested in environmentally friendly delivery methods, and 54% would be willing to accept longer lead times for a sustainable delivery.

The study of over 8,000 consumers across nine European countries, Canada and the United States aimed to provide retailers and logistics organisations with insights into the importance of sustainability in consumer purchase and delivery decisions, as well as how perspectives vary by age and geography.

“The mistake that many retailers are making is viewing home delivery sustainability as yet another challenge from the consumer instead of an opportunity to capture market share, reduce delivery costs and help the environment,” said Chris Jones, EVP, industry and services at Descartes.

“The study shows that many consumers prefer to buy more from those retailers with superior sustainable delivery practices and to take eco-friendly delivery options that reduce environmental impact and delivery costs at the same time.”

The study analysed consumer sentiment around the sustainability of retailers’ delivery operations and how this is impacting purchasing decisions. The report also considered how consumers evaluate retailer delivery sustainability efforts, which goods are most impacted by sustainable delivery performance and how consumers want to receive goods.

In addition, it looked into the changes in purchasing and delivery decisions that consumers are willing to make to help the environment. It also worked to provide insight into how the importance of sustainable delivery varies by geodemographic factors, the influence of geodemographics on buyer behaviour, the delivery decisions consumers are making, and consumer expectations of retailers’ sustainable delivery efforts for the future.

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