Our summer focus this week moves to operations and logistics. We have reported on the role of AI in delivery, and highlight four approaches retailers are taking to operations and logistics – and today we focus on the role of mobile.
EE has joined the small but growing number of retailers that are shaking up how they interact with their consumers and getting to grips with offering ‘an experience’. While the like of John Lewis are doing it in-store, EE will come to you – to not only hand deliver your latest smartphone, but to set it up for you. Service indeed – and a sign of things to come from all retailers.
This idea of experience is also mooted in a new study by PushOn, which finds that more than half of UK shoppers want a joined up experience across all channels – and that that is the key to winning in the omni-channel retail war.
This kind of transformation is now imperative for the retail industry to adopt, not just in the store environment, but also across online and multi and omni-channel. If you want to know more, an InternetRetailing study, carried out with Greenlight, illustrates just how the need for digital transformation is now more pressing than ever.
This is reinforced in this week’s mobile Guest Opinion by Apu Gupta, CEO of Curalate, which looks at How customers buy and the link between offsite discovery and onsite conversion.
Tackling our weekly theme we also feature some classic mobile operations pieces from the archive to whet your appetite for the run up to Christmas.
RetailCraft podcast
Find out more about the first two episodes of InternetRetailing’s RetailCraft podcasts featuring Heals and the Rug Company.
RetailCraft 01 – David Kohn of Heals – “probably the most sceptical man in the industry”? Surely not!
RetailCraft 02 – Sarah Stagg of The Rug Company and the 2018 IREU Top500
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