Life and the news cycle both slow down in the summer, giving InternetRetailing readers the chance to catch up on some stories that may have slipped past during the year. This year we’re marking each of the six core summer holiday weeks by focusing on our core InternetRetailing themes and revisiting some of the ways that we’ve explored those themes in print. We’re reviewing, reconsidering and refreshing some of the critical lessons, practical examples, and ideas that could work for others just as well as they already have for IRUK Top500 retailers.
This week we are focusing on The Customer, and we’ll be turning our attention to Merchandising, Mobile & Crosschannel, Operations & Logistics and Strategy & Innovation over the coming weeks.
In today’s InternetRetailing newsletter we report on voice-assisted devices prediction to grow by 70%, despite only 25% of retail marketers willing to adopt it as we give a useful guide on how to make voice control work for ecommerce.
Today we continue our reportage on Amazon’s Prime Day 2018 that brought a ’halo effect’ to the mobile app market and setting the scene for the retailer’s third-quarter transactional predictions.
We also report that 6% of retailers now offer a live chat service via their mobile apps to boost customer problem-solving on-a-go as they hone their clientele focus.
Today’s guest comment comes from Gracia Amico who considers whether retailers are making the most of their channels so they can give their customers the best possible experience.
On the customer-centric side, we cover six practical approaches to customer satisfaction
as we deliver an interview with Darren Jones of the Post Office who considers how to solidify the customer-retailer relationship.
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