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From ‘Leaky Finders’ to ‘It Started with a Stitch’, UK’s best SME business names shortlisted

The shortlist for the competition to find the UK’s funniest small business name has been announced, with embroidery business It Started With a Stitch, natural dog treat brand For Paws Truly, and online equestrian store Top of the Clops all making a showing.

The competition by small business insurance provider Simply Business was launched to celebrate the wit, creativity, and humour of the nation’s small business owners. Last year, Perky Blenders, a London-based specialty coffee roasters, beat over 2000 other punny-names small businesses to be presented with the hotly contested accolade.

You can now vote for your favourite small business name here and the voting closes on 8th March and the winner of the £2,500 will be announced the following week.

The full 2023 shortlist includes:

Simply Business’ recent study of 2,000 consumers revealed that a witty or funny business name can play a huge role in helping small businesses succeed, with one third (28%) of people stating they’d be more likely to shop at a small or local business with a funny or witty business name compared to those without. Two thirds (64%) of people would also be more likely to notice a small or local business with a funny or witty business name.

Small businesses are vital to local communities and people are noticeably preferring to shop small rather than at larger chains. Given the choice, nearly nine in ten (88%) people prefer to shop at small, local, or independent businesses when compared to larger chains, or a mixture of small businesses together with larger chains. 

Alan Thomas, UK CEO at Simply Business says: “The impact that a memorable name can have on your business is incredible – our research showed that people really warm to small businesses who have shown their personality through an imaginative name.

“With close to six million small businesses across the UK, small businesses are the lifeblood of our communities and collectively provide trillions of pounds to the UK economy. We’re really excited that, with the relaunch of our ‘You Name It. We Insure It.’ campaign, we can give a cash boost to a UK SME, and celebrate the creativity of small businesses across the UK.”

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