Shoppers in Wales appear to be more mobile in their shopping habits than any other part of the UK – highlighting how important distinction of shopping habits between different regions and the opportunities that presents to retailers.
So says a study commissioned by Royal Mail, which finds that 36% of online shoppers in Wales purchase via their smartphones and 32% on a tablet in comparison to 28% and 25% in the UK, respectively. More than half (54%) of online shoppers in Wales say they conduct their shopping on a laptop, compared to 58% in the UK.
When it comes to online shopping recommendations, 86% of consumers living in Wales research on the Internet prior to splashing their cash on a purchase. Six in ten (60%) are prepared to pay more for products that make life easier and 27% of online consumers in Wales now pay for a delivery subscription, demonstrating that consumers are willing to pay for a convenience.
Consequently, almost a half (49%) of consumers in Wales say that they regularly purchase goods online, with 29% of the overall population of online consumers buy footwear, 21% of toiletries and cosmetics, and a mere 8% shop online for second-hand items. Trainers appear to be the most popular item to purchase online (34%), followed by t-shirts and vests (28%) as well as polo shirts (25%).
When it comes to an average spending price, Welsh shoppers also report spending £74 monthly on online buys, whereas in the UK, the average online spend equates to £89 in total, which is to do with higher price points in the UK. However, the consumers in Wales reveal to buy items online twice a month, in contrast to their UK neighbours.
Besides of shopping for goods online, the Welsh nation is more digitally attached in general, than their UK inhabitants.In fact, 44% of online shoppers in Wales feel the need to check the social networking websites on a daily basis and three in ten (30%) report to constantly look to see if they have a message or email on their mobile phone.
“Shoppers in Wales are regularly purchasing goods online-especially clothes. For Welsh residents, the Internet is the key to making decisions when it comes to shopping and they are increasingly looking for services that make life easier,” says a spokesperson for Royal Mail Parcels .
Photo credit: ipopba (Fotolia)