The theme of this year’s Internet Retailing Conference (IRC 2013) is the New Basics of retail. During the course of the one-day event, to be held at the Novotel in Hammersmith on October 16, expert speakers from across the industry will delve into the fundamental functionality that underpins multichannel retail.
An impressive roster of presenters is headed by our keynote speakers Sir Stuart Rose of Ocado and Dressipi, Laura Wade-Gery of Marks & Spencer, and Ilain Benhaim of Vente-Privée.
We’d like to delve a little further into the theme by asking Internet Retailing readers what makes the new normal in retail.
Is it the ability to collect from store, to see how items would look through a virtual wardrobe, is it the ability to check stock over the phone, or is it something else altogether? Let us know by leaving a comment below, tweeting us at @etail, or emailing chloe at with your answers to this question: What’s the new normal in digital retail?
We have a limited number of full delegate passes to the Internet Retailing Conference 2013 to give away for those answers that best sum up the new realities, or give us pause for thought.