The latest quarterly figures from Affiliate Window show a small drop in mobile traffic to retail websites, down from 48% in Q2 to 46.93% in Q3. However, sales from mobile went up from 36.86 to 37.19% over the same period.
24.48% of traffic came from a smartphone – down from 26.5% in Q2 2015 – and accounted for 17.81% of sales, up from 17% in Q2. Mobile Average Order Value (AOV) was £65.04– up from £64.65 in Q2 2015.
According to the figures, 47% of traffic across the network originated from a mobile device as did 37.19% of sales across the network, That equates to 35,612 sales through a mobile device (smartphone and tablet) each day with 17,052 of these were through a smartphone.
711 sales were generated through a smartphone each hour and 31.3% of revenue generated for our advertisers originated from a mobile device in Q3.