FOR OUR FIRST InternetRetailing Europe Top500 (IREU 500) Performance Dimension Report, we’re looking at an aspect of retailing where the art of the sell meets raw numbers. Building Brand Engagement within ecommerce and multichannel retail is about first communicating with customers and then measuring the effectiveness of that communication by tracking responsiveness. At the end of the day, do customers have an ongoing relationship with the brand?
This is tough to determine in a home territory, where retail staff are steeped in the local culture. And it’s even tougher looking abroad, for although the UK and the Republic of Ireland share a language, they are each a distinct market. The same is true for Scotland and England, two nations that are part of the same country. That’s why in this Report, we have looked for analytical techniques that work in specific territories.
In our new research feature, for example, we consider email marketing techniques, looking for the nuances that allow retailers to reach out to customers in the UK, Germany and France. For analysing the numbers, we look at brand visibility and engagement across a variety of channels. This is research that feeds into our strategic overview, which deals with territory localisation.
We also look in detail at those IREU Top500 retailers that perform strongly in the Brand Engagement Dimension. Our lead interview is with Decathlon and how it makes “sport accessible to the many” via social media. Reflecting the variety of retailers that make up the IREU Top500, we also look at what other retailers can learn from the success of British clothing retailer, French tech retailer Fnac, Dutch pureplay and German behemoth Otto.
Our 12 approaches that work feature, offers advice based around best practice in social media, promoting brand visibility and email. For emerging practice, we look at recent research conducted by Adobe on social media driving web traffic for brands.
We’ve found this a fascinating area to research and, as editors and writers, we look forward to broadening our knowledge of the European market when we compile more Dimension Reports in the future.
We’d like to thank all the Knowledge Partners who have contributed their expertise and insights for this Dimension Report. We welcome your thoughts on new areas of research as we add to our primary data and analysis. Please email: and
Jonathan Wright and Chloe Rigby, Editors