This whitepaper written by InternetRetailing in collaboration with Amazon Pay explores the changing role of payments in a retail world that has shifted to a more hybrid digital-physical model, what is driving these changes and how to rise to the challenges it presents.
We look at how consumer shopping habits have changed and assess what that means for the payment tools they want to use. The report also considers the challenges facing retailers who want to stay on top of shifting shopper expectations. In particular, we analyse how retailers can use payments in the physical world to offer the kind of user experience that shoppers have come to expect online.
Getting payments right can reduce cart abandonment and churn, along with building loyalty and increase AOV. After reading this report, retailers will come away with a clear understanding of payment preferences, how to deliver on them and future trends to prepare for.
Using industry expert interviews and a range of case studies, we explore how payments have changed, how they have changed retail and how retail needs to change to meet the payment needs of a more omni-channel shopper and make their payments experience as invisible and enjoyable as possible.
Download the complete report and unlock access to:
- The new world of ecommerce and what it means for payments, illustrated by detailed graphs and figures.
- Industry insight into the future of payments, including voice payments, Amazon pay plus and checkoutless payments.
- Company case studies with NBB, NSS, Sport Pursuit and Start Rite.