A new study has found 79% of supply chain professionals consider last mile delivery as very or extremely important in providing a competitive edge, with 37% of companies dedicated over half of their overall logistics operations to it.
Navigating The Last Mile – Capacity Planning in Today’s Supply Chains, released by logistics platform Frayt, highlighted that technology is critical to last mile operations. Nearly half (47%) of the respondents agreed that technology had improved their delivery accuracy, with a further 38% stating it also reduced their delivery time.
While, adopting freight technology solutions such as real-time tracking and route optimisation had improved last mile operations – 63% of the survey respondents reported that it had increased customer satisfaction.
The survey also revealed that 65% of businesses believe communication with customers during delivery is essential.
“The last mile is often the final touchpoint between a business and its customers, leaving a lasting impression,” said Jim Waters, vice president, marketing at Frayt.
“The findings of our report underscore the vital role of last mile delivery in today’s shipping and delivery landscape. As businesses continue to navigate this complex and rapidly changing environment, we are committed to providing them with the tools they need to thrill customers.”
However, the report highlighted that defining the last mile can be complex. From those surveyed 41% of saw the last mile as from order placement to delivery, 33% stated it was between dispatch and delivery, and 22% said they consider the last mile to be strictly between pickup and delivery.