
Home Office trials for digital age verification at supermarket self-checkouts have come to a close with stores wanting it enshrined in law
Online grocery shopping remains popular with consumers, with its share of sales rising to 13.1%, up from 11.3% in December 2021, the highest...
Supermarkets across the UK grocery sector have seen online sales drop in the past four weeks as more shoppers are heading into store for their...
Despite Sainsbury’s posting a drop in profits, supermarkets have been winners in lockdown. Is it now time they took the next step and...
Easter has proved to be a boon for UK supermarkets, with sales of confectionary, clothing and home and garden items soaring ahead, with online growing...
We’re rounding up the latest on the coronavirus as we look to understand how the response to the disease is affecting the way shoppers...
UK supermarkets are responding as what seem to be the first effects of coronavirus on retail make themselves felt