
Like it or not, the metaverse is here and is likely to have a profound impact on all facets of digital life, retail included. While the view that the metaverse involves strapping on a VR headset and immersing oneself in poorly rendered graphics prevails, the reality is that the metaverse is a flat, 2D places that offers a new way to experience things on the web.

Games platforms such as Roblox are already there, Decentraland offers a means to game and more, while The Sandbox gives those of a more technical bent the ability to create games and other services, experiment with NFT and cryptocurrency-based monetisation, and to build out virtual real estate portfolios. Meta, meanwhile, has yet to deliver anything tangible, but could yet lend more to the metaverse than the bad publicity that its poor behaviour in social media has thus far delivered by association.

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Metaverse potential total addressable market, by segment (bn USD)
Potential concerns in the metaverse, according to internet users
Dangers of the metaverse, according to internet users - USA
Dangers of the metaverse, according to internet users - worldwide
Dangers of the metaverse, according to internet users - China
Preferred payment methods in the metaverse, according to video gamers

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