TheSheerLuxe E-tailer Conferenceis to take place in London on Wednesday 8 July, bringing together luxury brands and retailers large and small to discuss the latest developments in online retailing within the luxury sector.
Speakers will include:
- Nick Robertson, founder of ASOS
- Nick Wheeler, founder of Charles Tyrwhitt and ‘other half’ of The White Company’s founder Chrissie Rucker
- Emilie Carson, More2 and the founders of Isabella Oliver, Vanessa Knox-Brien and Baukjen de Swaan Arons
- Vicky Lovell, now head of operations at Astley Clarke and previously at John Lewis Direct
- Chillifish’s Paul Sheehy and Peter Levenspiel (who is also a former Net-A-Porter ecommerce manager)
- Andrew Wilson from The Catalogue Consultancy
The focus of the conference is on ‘Gearing up for Christmas’ and topics to be covered include planning your Christmas strategy/budget/timings, your Christmas PPC campaign, viral marketing to grow your database cost effectively whilst driving sales, Christmas online merchandising, and PR & standing out from the crowd.
The full agenda, further information and testimonials from last year’s event are available onthe SheerLuxe website. A list of delegates will be circulated prior to the conference to make the most of the allotted networking slots throughout the day.
To take advantage of the special rate of £155 for independents/£215 for others (usual cost £225/£295), email georgiecoleridgecole@sheerluxe.comquoting ‘Internet Retailing’.