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From ‘Customer Lifecycle’ to “Customer’s Life”: Changing perspectives in customer focus

Consumers can no longer be considered in an online or offline state, they are perpetually hyper-connected.

This level of connection, along with the digital innovation it has spawned, has given consumers unprecedented levels of choice and has refined expectations of what brands can provide. So how can marketers be building a single view of any one customer as they move across multiple channels, and simultaneously ensure that they’re providing a better experience in every moment? Achieving this means being in the ’life’ of the consumer; a part of their lifestyle.

In From ‘Customer Lifecycle’ to ’Customer’s Life’, we draw on unique survey data from Top500 retailers and case studies from across the retail and brand marketing space to consider this shift, how to get there, and the tech needed to make it happen.

  • The ’In Life’ Marketing Imperative – what does it mean in practice, where are retailers at today, and how can you be individually relevant
  • How to get to ’In Life’ – the benefits of marketing at the ultra-personal level and developing a long-term, consumer-first relationship?
  • The Technology Road Trip – what is the right data to collect, how to collect it, and what to do with it once you have it
  • Mobile, AI and beyond – understanding how the variety of new web-enabled devices fit into consumers’ lives and work together is key to growing a consumer-first offering
  • Case studies from Lovehoney, HSBC, Toms Shoes, and Holland & Barrett – how they’re continuously improving their value proposition and serving customers what they want
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