Boohoo Group

To improve its delivery strike rate, boohoo Group has become the latest brand to use location technology what3words across all its brands
Fashion retailer Boohoo Group saw a loss for the first half of the year, swinging to a £15.2m pre-tax loss from a £24...
How a single source of truth for product data improves speed and accuracy across the product lifecycle, while driving operational efficiencies and speed to market...
The pureplay says the new 23,000 sq ft factory gives it the capacity to make tens of thousands of garments for its 13 brands
Boohoo Group today reported a 20% rise in revenue in a first half that saw it relaunch acquisitions from Debenhams – as a department store and...
Boohoo Group today reports sales up by nearly a third after a quarter of strong expansion that has seen it add a series of leading...
Boohoo Group has leased a warehouse previously operated by Arcadia Group that it says will take it to the capacity it needs in order to...
Boohoo has published its UK supplier list following eight months in which it has audited most its suppliers at least twice. It has also unveiled...
The move follows a report into the fast fashion retailer’s supply chain, published in September, that found Boohoo’s monitoring of its Leicester-based...