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Each year we produce a series of research reports reviewing and ranking the best retailers across the following regions: UK; Europe; and Australia. The reports cover in-depth analysis and assesses retailers based on a series of metrics, which are known as ‘performance dimensions.’ These are: Strategy and Innovation; Mobile and Cross-Channel; Merchandising; Brand and Engagement and Operations and Logistics. In addition to the reports, our editorial team work with various clients to produce topical whitepapers based on emerging industry trends.
Case studies, strategy and insight from the boardrooms of the Top500 retailers operating in the UK
Europe’s leading multichannel retailers, ranked and analysed for their performance against key metrics
The RetailX Brand Index tracks the disrupting influence of companies that make branded goods – in most cases traditional wholesalers – who are now selling direct-to-customer and ranks them according to retail performance.

Additional Research Reports

Featuring the rest of the World

Country Reports

Sector Reports



Inside we investigate how a sector once heavily reliant on bricks-and-mortar stores has transformed into a multichannel market.